- What is Cacidi Extreme Enterprise Server?
Cacidi Dynamic Web
The Adobe InDesign Server
The Admin Tool
Log on to Cacidi Dynamic Web
Client Groups
The Job Selector
Create a Job
The Job Settings Window
The Page Designer
Load Saved Job
Job Templates
The Image Base
Site Administration
Setting up a MySQL Connection
View SQL Data
Edit SQL Records
Exporting the SQL Data
Updating a Data Base
Publish Item Designs
Customizing the Web Portal
The Workflow
ORD - What is the ORD file?
ORD - The Five Main XML Blocks
ORD - The <JobSettings> block
ORD - The <ScriptSettings> block
ORD - The <ExtremeServerPrefs> block
ORD - The <ExtremePrefs> block
ORD - The <BaseSettings> block
ORD - Production Methods in-depth
ORD - ORD file for creating pdf files
ORD - ORD file for a step ‘n repeat production
ORD - ORD file for a Calculated production
ORD - Reserved Calc names