Cacidi LiveMerge CC

Cacidi LiveMerge, the perfect Adobe InDesign plug-in for graphic design workgroups to efficiently layout any kind of productdata based Adobe InDesign document. The live connected drag’n drop functionality makes data driven layout fun and easy. 

Cacidi LiveMerge CC2023$492 per seat/per yearAdd to BasketDownload Now


Work as you would normally do in manual fashion with InDesign, in fact even easier, because Cacidi LiveMerge allow you to create and re-use design group objects – and totally innovating– receive a live feed of text and images from your product database or a simple textfile. The benefit: Focus on design and layout and let Cacidi LiveMerge at all times control the state of content in your document – live updating right in front of your eyes. No need for checking if your document content is correctly up to date, Cacidi LiveMerge handles that part for you! In design driven variable data publishing, this is nothing less than a revolution!

Ease of use
For the graphic designer, working with Cacidi LiveMerge is as simple as:
1. Select or search the content/product you need
2. Drag and drop the design from the design library palette onto the page layout
Even creating new designs happen faster than you will believe. Any tekst you like to dynamically feed and update from the data source, you just place brackets [ ] around. Dynamic image links just as easy.

Live updates – Live objects
Click a button once, and your content is immediately updated to current state, should a colleague of yours, or even an automated process, parallel to your work have changed content in the data source.

“Without Cacidi Extreme, the manual graphic design process would have taken weeks. Now we can do it all in 20 minutes!”

Lisbeth Gosvig | Assisting marketing manager | Maskinhandler Indkøbsringen

Automatic software controlled updating
If you prefer Cacidi LiveMerge to monitor and handle all updating for you, simply choose Start Auto-Update, and the document automatically polls the data source for changes, and updates your document on the fly!
Cacidi LiveMerge CS5 puts an end to tiresome proof readings, even large dokuments are in matter of seconds updated to current content and you are at any time secured that your InDesign document has a perfect content match to your data source.

Support for Cacidi BarCodes
Cacidi LiveMerge fully supports the Cacidi BarCodes features, allowing you to include barcodes in your design, which will be created and live updated by Cacidi LiveMerge.

Direct integration with Extreme
Cacidi LiveMerge works in full integration with the Cacidi Extreme product (see specific product sheet for Cacidi Extreme). In an optimal production workflow, use Cacidi Extreme for the fast automatic layout and page allocation and then use Cacidi LiveMerge for fine adjustments and creativity.

Direct database connection or text file
Cacidi LiveMerge allows you to connect directly to a MySQL database for a live feed of data. With no stops in between, you draw data directly from the database during your catalogue production. Cacidi LiveMerge also let’s you connect to alsorts of databases using ODBC connections(a ODBC drive for your datase is required, and sold by third party). Cacidi LiveMerge also let’s you connect to a xml or flat csv, comma or semicolon separated file.
Optionally you are able to query directly from Cacidi LiveMerge by SQL queries or regular text search directly within your database.
Each separate project created with Cacidi Extreme is allowed its own settings and definitions for database and querying.

Built-in data grouping
Using an intuitive user interface, you can set up preferences for product group selections, directly within the Cacidi LiveMerge project settings. This feature makes it easy to create complex price lists and similar productions, without the necessity for external consultancy services.

Custom data feed
The feature Custom data feed, brings an unique possibility to by the means of scripts, influence import of data in Cacidi LiveMerge.
It is not complex to create a script, which by a
XMLHttpRequest (part of Web 2.0 and AJAX), extracts data from all kinds of web services.
Custom data feed provides information about product groups and queries from InDesign/Cacidi LiveMerge to the script.

Automatic Data validation methods
Cacidi LiveMerge includes 16 different data validation features, such as numbers formatting, including a mask of the actual formatting ###.###.,##.
IF statements allows for eg 0 or 1 values in your data (equal to true or false), to easily make sense when included in data text fields. Even automatic removal of empty data lines, deletion of empty image frames, and new visual adjustment options for images.

One thought on “Cacidi LiveMerge CC”

  1. Hi,

    We’re looking for a tool to pull data from our ERP system and put it into Indesign to create our catalogs. This seems like the tool we’re looking for, however we have an Microsoft SQL DB. What would be the pricing if we want to integrate this?

    Best regards,


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