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Cacidi LiveMerge, is and extremely powerful drag 'n drop tool for merging data to design. Simply choose/search for your product, and drag the snippet design to the page.. and everything is done for you, text merged in, images placed and scaled, positioned right there, where you want it.. read more here..
Cacidi BarCodes, all the types you have ever dreamed of.. in laser sharp quality, fully adjustable and never distorted text.. always clear and readable! read more..
Cacidi Charts, the best tool for ANY infographic! Beautiful, crystal clear and razor sharp charts, in 10 chart types, 9  Callout types, plenty of text formatting, and much, much more.. read more here..
Cacidi Extreme, the right tool for creating, hundreds or thousands of pages, you can use it data OR design driven.. very unique!, You have four production methods, Step 'n Repeat, Predesigned, AutoCalc or Update.. This production?, 45 pages, 19 layers, for currencies, text, images and bar codes.. in less than 3 minutes..read more


The new Adobe InDesign 2024 build 19.4 has a lot of new features, including some exciting support for AI.. For catalogue builders, using Macintosh there are also a big chance going from HFS to POSIX file paths. For some of you, you may need to change scripts or data to support the new file path system. We have done our best to ease the move from HFS to POSIX. The latest build to support the change can be downloaded from the download page.


Adobe InDesign 2024 is released today – and Cacidi are ready, as usual!
Today the new Adobe InDesign 2024 was announced and with features to meet the years to come. Supporting the latest OS systems for both Macintosh and Windows, and with a range of great new features, like improved Cloud document, with Invite for Edit, Version History.. and Hide/Show spread, when using InDesign as Presenter..
Beside that, it also has a lot of bug fixes, optimizations and improvements.. If you don’t see the new version in the Creative Cloud application, it can be the version is not ready in your area yet.

Download the new updated Cacidi solutions for the new InDesign today.

*** Now Native Support for http/https images***

With the 18.0.6 version of Cacidi Extreme/Extreme Light and Cacidi LiveMerge/LiveMerge Light, we are supporting URL’s as images, meaning we auto download images to a cache folder and correct the file path, and place the image.. It’s so easy.. read more here


The Number One Plugin developer for Adobe InDesign