Category Archives: Extreme Lessons

Handling line listning of grouped data

With both Cacidi Extreme and LiveMerge, grouping of data is very easy, simple choose a field for the grouping, and select the different portion/fields of data you want to pick your data from. Many are using the grouped data in a tabulated form, or in a table. See more about how we support grouped data here.

To handle a line listing of data, where all info is on a single line, always have some issues/decisions to make, Do we need to Number each line – and how, which characters should be used for separating each product/item, and if you have multiple elements what to do with the last, and second last separator. To give the possibility of controlling how divers are used in a line listing, we have created a free script. The script is provided as is..

The data, and project, we are using in this tutorial are the 10-furniture, which is a part of the standard download package of the Cacidi Extreme and LiveMerge. The Project, with the grouping part, should look like this.

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Connect to Web Services the easy way

Connecting and drag data from a web services is an easy and extremely customisable way of getting data from EPR systems and databases. Most systems works with a web site, doing the connection, preparing of the data and delivery.  In this tutorial we will be using a php based web page, that can be download a long with a simple data dump HERE. Continue reading

Working with Images and Extreme/LiveMerge

When working with automation, which include images, you must deal with a number of questions. These questions could be a) how is the merge markers set or constructed  for an image, full file path or?, b) how should the images be placed within the frame in terms of scaling and alignment, c) if the images does not exist what should we do? delete the frame or? In this tutorial we will try to cover these three issues. We will also discus default images, forces scaling, alignment by numbers and off set. Continue reading

Working with Pre Script to Search for Images

When creating a catalog, a price list or a campaign paper, data does contain every infomations available. But for some production that’s not enough. Part of the data could be missing in relation to the graphic production, like the correct link/locations to the images. If your images reside within folders and subfolders, and more subfolders this is the tutorial you will need to read. Continue reading

Directories and Phone Books

Local directories is a huge task for most people. With the use of Cacidi Extreme and the auto pagination engine called “AutoCalc”, Extreme are able to layout hundreds or thousand of pages with a very limited manual efforts. This tutorial will show you what you can achieve with just a data file, a small prescript to manipulate some of the data structure of the data, a templates and Cacidi Extreme. Continue reading