Validate your installation:
Please upload your ‘Cacidi Preferences.dat’ file to create a license file, when you are behind a proxy server
Your ‘Cacidi Preferences.dat’ file can be located here:
On a Mac you can go to finder, use the menu Go->Go To Folder.. paste this
~/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 19.0/Cacidi/
On a Windows one a file explore window, and paste this in the command line
%appdata%\Adobe\InDesign\Version 19.0\Cacidi
For previous versions of InDesign 19.0=2024, 18.0=2023, 17.0=2022, 16.0=2021 and so on..
On both Windows and Mac the folders ‘AppData’ and ‘Library’ are hidden, use the command line above or consult the OS/IT Helpdesk for getting access to them.
After you have submitted your file, a download link are shown for downloading the Cacidi Licenses.dat file, save the file to the same location from above, and make sure you browser not has rename the file to .txt
If you have ANY issues, please contact us at