With the release of Cacidi Extreme CC2019 – 14.0.3 version, it’s now possibly to control how master pages in InDesign is applied. To apply a specific master pages doing a Pre-defines or auto calculated production has newer been more flexible or easier to accomplish.
An information in data about the master page, or information saved with the predefined design, will automatically be applied to the right page doing creation of the catalog.
Predefined productions
For the Predefined, it’s very easy to controll which master page should be used with which predefined page. Just by having the right master page used when the predefined page are saved.. In a predefined catalog all saved master page settings, will be applied during the production.
Auto Calc productions
For all non-inline productions, a master page can be controlled from data, by inserting master page information in the auto calc “Command” field in the Text Link Panel setting. The information should be command + colon + master page information e.g. [command]:[master], the contents of master pages can be the usual commands like NEXTP, NEXTC.. see all commands here, for the [master] information could be “A-Master” or what ever the master is named in the InDesign page panel.
What is non-inline?
Most of the calculation methods are non-inline, only “Prototype Placement Inline” and “Measure Placement Inline” are inline placed calculation methods.. The idea of inline placements are to have the reflow options, and that does not fit with a specific master page – in out view