All posts by Richard Andersen

Named Swatch and Full Pantone Spot Support in Cacidi Charts 2020

Cacidi Charts 2020 now supports Pantone, custom spot colours and named color swaches
With the new version of Charts, we detect which color are applied to frames, and not just detect the color definition but the name in the swatch list, this means you will get exactly the color you wish.

A pantone or custom spot color will be on the right separation plate, and you will be able to see it using the separation panel.

Download the new version today

Welcome to Adobe InDesign 2020 and InDesign Server 2020! Yes!, We are ready!

Soon you can download and install the new Adobe InDesign 2020, and InDesign Server 2020.. with all the new 2020 features, like column rules and SVG import.

Download the new version from our download page, install it, and the software will automatic copy the old preferences from the previous version.. so easy!.
Remember that it’s posible to keep your old InDesign, until you are comfortable to remove it.. – Use the Auto-Update, Advanced feature to keep the old InDesign version..

How to Master the Master Pages

With the release of Cacidi Extreme CC2019 – 14.0.3 version, it’s now possibly to control how master pages in InDesign is applied. To apply a specific master pages doing a Pre-defines or auto calculated production has newer been more flexible or easier to accomplish.

An information in data about the master page, or information saved with the predefined design, will automatically be applied to the right page doing creation of the catalog.

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New Cacidi BarCodes and more 2018-October Releases

Today we are releasing a brand new version of Cacidi BarCodes CC2018, letting you convert the LiveObject a barcode are, to InDesign Objects you easily can manipulate in any way you wish..

Together with the release of the new BarCodes, all the other products been checked with both MacOS Mojave and Windows 10, latest. For Extreme and LiveMerge we have included  the latest engine to read Microsoft Excel files.

Download here