2015 October release of Extreme, LiveMerge and BarCodes

This new release adds new LOOP function to text frames, just as released in the spring for tables.  A number of small but important bug fixes are done in the release, like defaults for text scaling, and checksum calculation for Code 2 of 5.

Cacidi Extreme CC2015 and LiveMerge CC2015 has got the curly bracket functionality added, just like in the table, this means that’s really easy to use the LOOP field as a data collector, and use the fields collected, in different kinds of lists.

The curly brackets describe the start and the end of the looping
{[CarMaker], [Model], [Year] – }

Could give the result like this:
Pontiac, GTO, 1964 – Shelby, Cobra, 1967 – Plymouth, Road Runner Hemi, 1968 – Chevrolet, Camero, 1969 – Ford, Mustang 428 Cobra Jet, 1969 – Ford, Mustang GT500, 1963 –

The change to this:
{[CarMaker], Model: [Model], Production Year:  [Year]


Gives this result:
Pontiac, Model: GTO, Production Year:  1964
Shelby, Model: Cobra, Production Year:  1967
Plymouth, Model: Road Runner Hemi, Production Year:  1968
Chevrolet, Model: Camero, Production Year:  1969
Ford, Model: Mustang 428 Cobra Jet, Production Year:  1969
Ford, Model: Mustang GT500, Production Year:  1963

And of course inline images and bar codes are supported!

2 thoughts on “2015 October release of Extreme, LiveMerge and BarCodes”

    1. Hi, You can always download the software from this web site, and a manual for instructions are available under the menu point In-Depth – > Cacidi BarCodes Manual..

      A very quick instruction: if you use some of the fixed length barcodes like EAN-14, ISSN or any of the barcodes on top of the divider line in the popup menu, just select the one you need, enter the digits, and the barcode will be created in the center of the active page. For the variable length (below the diver line), select the barcode, enter the amount of number you need, and press the small bar icon in the palette.
      Please let us know you you need any further assistance, we will be happy to get you up and running.
      Best Regards, Richard

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