Q: What is Cacidi Contact Sheet Pro?
A: Contact Sheet Pro is a plug-in for Adobe InDesign that allows you to create advanced customized contact sheet or picture packages, and even include up to 69 different types of XMP or EXIF metadata information.
Q: How does it work?
A: By simply creating standard Adobe InDesign objects such as image and text boxes in any shape, color, angle, etc. by your choice, and saving groups of these as Contact Sheet Pro items, you can automatically import entire folders or volumes containing images and instantly create your customized contact sheets or picture packages.
Q: What image formats are supported by Contact Sheet Pro
A: Any image format that is supported by Adobe InDesign. Please see your Adobe InDesign documentation for supported formats.
Q: What is metadata?
A: Metadata such as XMP or EXIF is additional information that can be included in image files, like for instance information about file size, type, format, copyright, etc. Typically this information is included by either an image editing application like Adobe PhotoShop, or automatically included by digital cameras, scanners or similar equipment.
Q: I know several image editing applications are able to create contact sheets or picture packages. What is the added value of Contact Sheet Pro?
A: It is correct there are numerous applications designed to create picture packages and contact sheets. However, these are typically very limited in their functionality, meaning that they only have very few pre-designed templates for contact sheets or picture packages, or are not able to include metadata information, etc.
Contact Sheet Pro is designed as a second-to-none tool in functionality, fulfilling the demands of professional photographers, demanding ease of use features for designing advanced customized contact sheets and picture packages. With Contact Sheet Pro, only your own creativity is limit to variation in design.
Q: When my print service provider opens the document he gets a “Missing plug-in” alert. Why?
A: A data field with information about the job has been added to the document, the print service provider can ignore the message and click OK to open the document. The job will be printed without problems.
Q: What are the system requirements for Cacidi Contact Sheet Pro?
A: A computer capable or running Windows 7, Windows 8 or Mac OS X 10.7 or newer, and of course Adobe InDesign CC/CC2014.
Q: How do I install Cacidi Contact Sheet Pro?
A: After downloading Cacidi Contact Sheet Pro, double click the zxp file to launch Adobe Extension Manager. Remember to update the Extension Manager to the must reason.
After installing the files, launch Adobe InDesign and open Cacidi Contact Sheet Pro CC/CC2014 from the “Windows” menu of Adobe InDesign.
Q: The Installation program failed. Can I install the plug-ins manually?
A: Yes. The installation process probably failed because of limited privileges for you user account.
To install Cacidi Contact Sheet Pro manually:
A) Locate your InDesign installation, and create a folder inside the “Plugins” folder, name it “Cacidi”.
B) Rename the *.zxp package til *.zip, unpack the file, locate the “Win”, “Win64” or the “Mac” folder in the extracted folder you downloaded and copy the contents to the “Cacidi” folder you just has created. If you already have a “Cacidi” folder within your Adobe InDesign CC/CC2014 Plug-Ins folder, copy the contents of the new “Cacidi” folder into the old, replacing existing files.
C) Windows only!, copy the libmySQL.dll file to the root of your windows installation, normally located “C:\Windows” and restart your computer.
After installing the files, launch Adobe InDesign and open Cacidi Extreme from the “Windows” menu of Adobe InDesign.
Q: Can I try out Cacidi Contact Sheet Pro to see if it’s the right product for me before I decide to buy it?
A:Absolutely. When you start to use the plug-in, you are allowed to work with the software for 2 weeks before you have to enter a serial number in the “Activation” menu.
Q: After the trial period, when I decide to buy Cacidi Contact Sheet Pro, how do I enter my serial number?
A: Enter your purchased serial number in the “Activation” menu and click “Activate”.