Cacidi AdBuilder Server CC Manual

ORD - Production Methods in-depth

Extreme Server Enterprise supports six different production methods. A production method is a road map for a job creation/production, and tries to cover all aspect of different production schemes.
The Create method is equal to using a predefined page (a PageDesign) or a predefined catalogue design (a CatalogueDesign). They are named *.cep for Cacidi Extreme Page or *.cec for Cacidi Extreme Catalogue. The Predefined designs is a list of positions on a page for placing the Item Design files.
The CreateGrid method is the same as doing a step and repeat production, using the workstation edition of Cacidi Extreme. Item Designs are placed on the InDesign page using a grid defined by grid settings including a number of columns and rows defining the grid.
By using a grid and combining the grid with information stated in the data file, which dynamic Item Designs to use for which record, the Calc method can layout your page/pages for you using one of nine different calculation methods. Information about special naming conventions when creating an on-the-fly calculation style can be found on page 15. Please consult the Cacidi Extreme manual for specifics on calculation variations/settings.
If a document has already been created using Cacidi Enterprise Server, you can update the contents using the Update method. The initially produced document layout/design (boxes) are kept in the original positions, but all contents are updated to reflect the data in the new/updated data file.
In addition to the standard Extreme production methods, the Cacidi Enterprise Server even supports two different LiveMerge Update schemes.
If a document is created using Cacidi LiveMerge, the LMUpdate can maintain your document using the same data source as when it was created, of course supporting changing content in this data source..
The LMUpdateNewData are using a document created with LiveMerge. Each group of the document, in the same stack order created by, are using the data file, record by record, to update the document.

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