Cacidi AdBuilder Server CC Manual

ORD - The <JobSettings> block

The <JobSettings> block contains a number of sub-blocks such as <DocSettings> and <PDFSettings>. Both of these sub-blocks can have a subset of further sub blocks. The <DocSettings> block for example contains the <DocMargins> sub block.
Required if ProductionMethod is CreateGrid or Create, valid values are Item Designs *.inds, page designs *.cep or catalog designs *.cec, created using the Cacidi Extreme workstation.
<InDesignSaveName>Produced Job.indd</InDesignSaveName>
<JPEGSaveName>Produced JPEG.jpg</JPEGSaveName>
<EPSSaveName>Produced EPS.eps</EPSSaveName>
<SWFSaveName>Produced Flash.swf</SWFSaveName>
Required if files are saved or exported, meaning if you choose to save the document you must state a name for it.
Not required. These fields are only for providing information about the Client and Media and are not used during production.
If not specified this will default to 1. The value defined in <StartOnPage> is the first page in the InDesign template that production will start on. If the InDesign template doesn't have this many pages, they will automatically be created before production starts.
This is a required field that will take any one of the following values: Create, CreateGrid, Calc, Update, LMUpdate, LMUpdateNewData or leave it blank. If you are leaving this field blank, the InDesign template is opened and exported, but no production (building/update) will occur.
Please see “Production Methods in-depth” on page 11 for more information.
Required if <ProductionMethod> (see above) is Calc and a customized calculation setting is wanted. If no CalcStyle is stated and <ProductionMethod> is Calc the Non-Breaking Horizontal production method is used. Please consult page 15 for a list of reserved calculation names. For pre-saved calc styles the extension is *.cac.
Required if <ProductionMethod> is CreateGrid or Calc and no CalcStyle is stated. ColumnsGutter and RowsGutter values are in points.
Required if the scaling of the Item Designs is wanted. Be aware that the scaling functionality scales all bounds of the Item Designs, whereas text contents are not scaled.
For scaling of text contents use the Cacidi Text Scale functionality applied to Item Designs as a standard feature (see the Cacidi Extreme client documentation for more on this). Scaling of images are applied using the standard scaling technology (first and second scale) after the Item Designs are scaled.
Sets the path where the server logs for this particular job is being saved. The tag is not required and when not set, the server will save the logfiles in the OUTPUT folder as defined in the Admin Tool.
Required, the template name must be stated in order for a production to be processed.
Required if you want to change page size or margins of the template.
Required if you want to change page size or margins of the template. Margins and page size values are in points.
<PDFSaveName>PDF output.pdf</PDFSaveName>
Required if you want to create pdf files. You can have as many pairs of <PDFStyle> and <PDFSaveName> as you which. For each pair of <PDFStyle> and <PDFSaveName> one pdf file will be created.
If you save multiple pdf's with the same name, the previously created pdf files will be overwritten.

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