Connect to Web Services the easy way

Connecting and drag data from a web services is an easy and extremely customisable way of getting data from EPR systems and databases. Most systems works with a web site, doing the connection, preparing of the data and delivery.  In this tutorial we will be using a php based web page, that can be download a long with a simple data dump HERE. Continue reading

Working with Images and Extreme/LiveMerge

When working with automation, which include images, you must deal with a number of questions. These questions could be a) how is the merge markers set or constructed  for an image, full file path or?, b) how should the images be placed within the frame in terms of scaling and alignment, c) if the images does not exist what should we do? delete the frame or? In this tutorial we will try to cover these three issues. We will also discus default images, forces scaling, alignment by numbers and off set. Continue reading

Working with Pre Script to Search for Images

When creating a catalog, a price list or a campaign paper, data does contain every infomations available. But for some production that’s not enough. Part of the data could be missing in relation to the graphic production, like the correct link/locations to the images. If your images reside within folders and subfolders, and more subfolders this is the tutorial you will need to read. Continue reading

Cacidi Extreme/LiveMerge/BarCodes Easter release – refinement

The 2015 Easter release of Cacidi Extreme, Cacidi BarCodes and Cacidi LiveMerge enhance the user experience by adding ease of use when creating snippets.

The new versions make it easier to keep the overview of merge markers applied to image frames and bar codes. When entering the Text Link Panel, the merge markers applied to an image frame of bar codes are shown at the lower left part of the frame. When leaving the Text Link Panel , the box adornment disappears again.

Another enhancement are when working with multiple image frame, it is now possible to apply e.g. scaling settings to multiple frame in one click.

Cacidi BarCodes can now be installed on Adobe InCopy to display bar codes created in Adobe InDesign.

All is available today to download

Minor update to status panel and wordstyling/grouping feature

Today we are releasing a minor fix to the status panel and a fix when using a wordstyling calculated field as a grouping field.

Status panel update

A fix, so the status panel works correct when the data stamp contents leading zero to the date and month. e. g. when the date was using 2015/03/02 15:23:16 format instead of 2015/3/2 15:23:16

Grouping using a wordstyling field

Fixed an issue when using a field for grouping which was a result of a calculated wordstyling field.

The fix affected the Extreme/Extreme Light and LiveMerge/LiveMerge Light, and new versions is posted on the download site.

Cacidi LiveMerge March Update

EXSQFoldersToday we are releasing the new Cacidi LiveMerge with a couple of new tricks in the sleeve.
Position of the dragged design to the page is the most critical in the production and many users are using the “place and then adjust method”. With the new possibility to snap a dropped object to a Extreme grid, makes position much faster. The navigation support for subfolder is a great new way of structuring your snippets. And the ability to drag and drop, not just elements that needs to be merged into,but also standard images, make the finishing of you job much easier.

Drag and Place using Mouse position
The default way of placing a snippet on the page is by dragging and dropping the design to the page, data is being merge into the design, images is places and the design is positioned at the center of the mouse.

Drag and Place snapping to a Cacidi Extreme grid
If you have both the Extreme and the LiveMerge product installed you can now have the ability to change the position of the drop, from the mouse point to the grid setup of Extreme. The dropped snippet (or image) will snap to the grid that is set in the Extreme palette. Just release your mouse within the tile of the grid and the snippet will snap to the position of the tile. You can change from “Snap to Mouse Position” to “Snap to Extreme Grid” in the palette fly-out menu.

Folder navigation support
Folders are great for structuring your work, they give you the ability to see only a limited number of snippets in one “view”. A sub folder will have a folder icon, and once you have entered a sup folder a “Up One Level” icon will appears in the top of the panel. To turn on the navigation you will have to go into a sub folder.

Drag and drop of images on you diskEXSQImages
Images you can place are now included in the visual list box panel of LiveMerge, and you can drag and drop them to the page. The Image drag also are able to use the mouse point or the Extreme grid snap function. The size of the image is determined by the grid in Extreme, if you donate have the Extreme installed, a 3×3 grid is the default size of the dragged image.

A number of small enhancement
The position numbers shown in the insert merge field of list record view are still there but when showing with reversed Record/Designs (Designs shown in the popup menu), the numbers are now gone for better clarity.

Speed enhancement
A bug is fixet for a double cache when updating from a not text files. Significant improvement has been shown.

The Number One Plugin developer for Adobe InDesign